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CF - other extensions

The CF Bracket facility exposes a slowly growing collection of specialized frrrApplets. Those in support of "Modular Square Roots" have their own section later in this chapter of the Frrraction Guide. Others are listed here.

CF Applets
Classifies an integer as prime or composite.
Setup: m in active cell Fcell
Action: Fflt announces
    "Fcell is (or is not) prime"
Calculates the smallest prime factor of integer x
Setup: F=x/s where 1 ≤ s ≤ smallest prime factor of x
Action: Replaces s by the true smallest prime factor of x,
           and inserts that factor as text immediately
           following the }} bracket.
Raises x to the integer power n
Setup: F=n+x/1 where F is the active fraction
Action: F becomes r+x/1 where
           r is the 32-bit nth power of x.
           The 64-bit r is shown in hNote.
Computes x^n=xn (mod p) — the nth power of x (mod p)
Setup: activeF=n+x/p. n,x,p all >0; p prime.
Action: F becomes r+x/p where
           r is the nth power of x (mod p).
Raises the modular complex number z=x+v·y to the power n modulo prime p. w=v2=v^2 is the user-selected QNR square of the imaginary carrier v.
Setup: F1=n+x/p, F2=w+y/p.
Action: The fractions become F1=n+A/p, F2=w+B/p
           where z^n = A+B·v (mod p).
mn! and n!Modm are synonyms.
They compute n factorial (mod m)
Setup: activeF = 0+n/m
Action: activeF = n!(mod m) + n/m
Note: If you use pMAX for m, the result is the normal n! for 0 ≤ n ≤ 12. For n=13 and beyond, n! would cause 32-bit overflow (while n!Modm does not, of course).
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CF - Square Root support

Frrraction offers a constellation of CF functions that address square roots in various forms: